Labels:text | font | paper | black and white | publication | document OCR: blow back the meter, connect the output of the vacuum to the output ( supply) side of the meter. To suck back Dear TAP, the meter, connect the input hose of the vacuum to the Black Box Detection depends on the kind of switching equi- input of the meter. Tape up the connections with pment you have in your C. O .: Identificationr. Step by Step: plastic tape and let 'er rip! Be sure you disconnect Dial your own number and listen after each digit. If it the meter from the pipes (Method 1) before connecting makes a distinct click or clicks after most of the digits on the vacuum cleaner, stupid! you have SXS. If you get nothling except n distinct Klunk REMOVING DIALS Klunk sound after the last digit only, before you have a busy you le've Crossbar,either no. 1 (the first kind Pa Bell Some meters ...